What to Expect: Labor & Birth at Nativiti Family Birth Center

Labor & Birth at Nativiti Family Birth Center

What to Expect: Labor & Birth at Nativiti Family Birth Center


Bringing your baby into the world is an exciting and somewhat overwhelming experience. To help ease your mind, we are answering the most common questions about what to expect during labor and birth at our birth center.


1. When Should I Come in for Birth?


Labor often starts slowly. We generally recommend staying home during the early stages when you’ll feel the most comfortable in a space that is comfortable for you. Being in your own space helps your body relax and allows labor to progress naturally.

Your partner, family member, or friend can monitor your contractions during this time. Usually once they’re four minutes apart, lasting a minute each, and this pattern continues for an hour, we’ll talk about our next steps.

Throughout the process, one of our experienced midwives will assess your situation and determine together with you when it’s time to head to the birth center. We’re here to listen, guide, and ensure you arrive at the right time.


2. What Happens When I Arrive?


When you come in, we’ll have the room ready for you. Once admitted, we’ll monitor your progress and your baby’s heartbeat. In the meantime, our team will help you try different birth positions, e.g. walking, squatting, or using a birthing ball to facilitate labor. 

At Nativiti Family Birth Center, we believe in listening to your body’s natural signals and trusting your instincts. Our midwives will support you every step of the way, checking on you regularly while giving you the space to labor in a way that feels right for you.

When it’s time to meet your baby, we’ll be there to help guide you and catch your little one. Right after birth, we hand the baby to you for immediate skin-to-skin contact. 

We’ll wait for the umbilical cord to stop pulsing before we clamp and cut it. We’ll also look for any tearing, stitch it up immediately, and assist with your first few breastfeeding sessions.


3. What Happens After Birth?


The time following the birth of your newborn is known as the postpartum or postnatal period. It’s one of the most exciting yet challenging periods in a mom’s life, and your midwife will support you at every step.

After birth, we’ll perform a thorough newborn exam, including measurements, oxygen saturation, and footprints. 

Your midwife will check your physical and emotional well-being and will perform thorough physical exams of you and your newborn. We will also assist with beginning your breastfeeding journey if you need.

We’ll address any questions or concerns about your general well-being or caring for your newborn. Once you’re ready, we’ll provide discharge instructions, and you can head home to start this new chapter with your family.

At Nativiti Family Birth Center, we aim to provide a natural and supportive birth environment. To learn more about our services send us a message