Is a Birth Center Safe?
If you’re thinking about giving birth at a birth center, it’s natural to have questions surrounding the safety protocols for birth. At Nativiti Family Birth Center, we understand that safety isn’t just about protocols and equipment – it’s about trust, expertise, and knowing that you and your baby are in the best hands.
Here’s how we ensure a safe, loving, and supportive environment for your birth.
Safety Standards
We monitor the mother and baby throughout the birthing process. We regularly check vital signs, such as blood pressure and heart rate, to ensure everything progresses normally. Lab results, medical, and family history are evaluated to identify and mitigate potential risks. We also track the baby’s well-being to ensure they remain healthy during labor. If we are unable to keep you or your baby in the range where we think is safe for you to deliver at our center, we will help you find the best option of care for your needs.
Quality Care
Our approach to care adapts to each family’s unique needs. Instead of labor timelines or metrics, we focus on measurable progress and stability for you and your child. This flexible approach reduces unnecessary interventions while providing support and encouragement for a positive birth experience.
In short, personalized care is at the heart of everything we do.
Birth Outcomes
Birth centers are recognized as a safe and effective option for low-risk pregnancies. Giving birth at birth centers like Nativiti requires fewer medical interventions than hospitals without compromising safety.
We consistently achieve positive outcomes for mothers and babies with evidence-based practices and attentive care.
Birth Experience
From the peaceful, home-like environment to the experienced and compassionate staff, every aspect of the experience is thoughtfully designed to make the mom and family comfortable.
If a hospital transfer becomes necessary, we act promptly with trusted local hospitals to execute a seamless and safe transition.
Nativiti Family Birth Center offers a balance of safety, personalized care, and positive birth outcomes. Learn more about our approach from one of our experienced midwives. Or schedule a visit today!